If a flying saucer actually crashed near Roswell in 1947, leaving alien bodies among the debris, wouldn’t attendant visitors (‘colleagues” as it were) of the aliens who piloted the crashed saucer try to recover their compatriots or some of the debris that allegedly lay in the New Mexico desert for days before Mac Brazel (and the Army) took possession of it?
We know, from Kenneth Arnold’s “authentic” sighting, that UFOs or flying saucers often traveled in formation/groups, and since his sighting took place in the same time-frame as the Roswell incident, the extraterrestrial visitors were, possibly, aware (or should have been) of the Roswell crash.
Are the supposed advanced alien travelers so unemotional or callous (other possibilities we admit) that they’d leave their disabled and dying fellow-travelers to the desert or human society, without trying to retrieve them?
One can’t presume to know the operational parameters of an extraterrestrial race, but since many of the so-called Roswell witnesses, especially those who said they saw bodies among the debris and crashed saucer, ascribed sentience of a human kind to the beings captured or taken by the military, one can suggest that the Roswell beings were not so alien as to eliminate survival tactics from their other-world arsenal.
If the Roswell “saucer” was not that far removed, in design and operational format, from human aircraft, and the described beings not so alien in physiognomy from human beings, one can assume that the visitors would very likely act in a similar way to human beings when a disaster occurred; that is, members of the “race’ visiting the Earth, didn’t come alone, in one flying saucer, but were accompanied by others, in a bevy of saucers, as Arnold saw, and others reported at the same time as the Roswell crash, and would have acted much as we humans would have acted: the crashed craft and its occupants would have been sought out and helped (or retrieved), or an attempt to do so would have taken place.
(No other UFOs were seen in or near Roswell during the July period that encompasses the infamous episode.)
And if that alien race did come to Earth, from outer space, another dimension, or even as time-travelers, they wouldn’t, if even moderately sensible, ignore members of their race who were in distress.
If the loss of a concomitant craft and its beings were dispensable, for whatever reasons one can conjure, then an alien retrieval of the Roswell saucer may be acceptable to rationality, but that opens a whole new aspect to the extraterrestrial modus.
Or the Roswell incident is bogus, as an extraterrestrial visitation and accident, which is what many in the UFO community are coming to believe.