UFOs, Zamora, Zamorro, Big Foot, and ?
The tale in a clipping we found in our batch or UFO stuff intrigues in several ways.
Click here to see clipping
Lonnie Zamora saw a UFO with two beings near by. Zamorro saw a “saucer” with a Big Foot creature near by.
What’s our point?
That observations of UFOs and other paranormal artifacts (ghosts, sea monsters, fairies, et al.) are connected by synchronous delusions, variegated by the mind-sets of the observers, posing a psychological or neurological link amongst witnesses to UFO events, as we and Paratopia’s Jeff Ritzmann would have it.
UFOs, while having, sometimes, a tangible effect on materiality, the residue or remnants of that original tangible effect are lost or muddled in the observational aftermath.
UFOs have remained elusive for millennia. Collected data has provided no distinct clue as to what they are.
Ritzmann, among others, think that UFOs alter their presence or appearances to correspond to the cultural/societal conditions at the time they are observed.
That is, UFOs adopt the technological attributes of the period in which they are seen or witnessed.
No, it’s not a matter of interpretation by witnesses – such as chariots of fire in the early historical records of humankind or the 1890 airships. What is seen or reported is exactly what is seen; the UFO (or flying saucer) manifests itself precisely as witnesses have reported them.

The “saucers” of the 1950s, the occupant-sightings too, were geared to the mind-set of the observers.

The zeitgeist determines how UFOs will look -- their apparent construct.
But as the old philosophical saw goes – if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? – applies: if a UFO is in the vicinity of humans, but no one is around to see it, does it produce a tangible presence (for cameras, radar, et cetera)?
It seems that real UFO incidents need humans to perceive them, directly or indirectly.
And when humans perceive the UFO(s), they do so with all the aggregate mental detritus that suffuses their mind or memory.
Is there a UFO reality that is concrete or uniform? Apparently not.
UFOs alter themselves – we’re suggesting a living attribute obviously -- or are altered by the mental configurations of those perceiving them.
There is no one UFO presence, no one UFO reality. UFOs are all things to all people, manifesting their reality dependent upon the mental make-up of the person or persons taking in their presence, in the air, on the ground (as in previous years, more so than today), or via technology (radar, for instance).
And those who refuse the reality are also determinant mentally. They refuse the “reality” or “delusional reality” of others because they are saddled with mind-sets of a restrictive kind.
Until neurology, psychology, sociology, and other disciplines tackle the UFO phenomenon within the parameters of human mental vagaries, the mystery will remain elusive.
Hypothesizing about UFOs with an extraterrestrial orientation seems a futile enterprise. The folkloric aspect, propounded by Jacques Vallee or Dr. David Clarke, is a sensible approach.
But one shouldn’t eschew the ET interpretation out-of-hand. It remains a possibility, in the great scheme of things, but it shouldn’t becloud other interpretations, as it has for the past 60 years or so….
For 20 years now, I have argued that UFOs (and MIBs and Bigffoot creatures and lake monsters and abductos) are tulpas generated by human focus and then occupied by demons, like hand puppets. The evidence for such a seemingly wild-eyed theory is pretty good. It also explains why the cultural milieu impacts UFO details: The imagination of the accidental human creator of each tulpa impacts UFO details.
You should write something about this.
We'd be happy to place your material online here, as it is an intriguing subject.
(Feel free to e-mail me at rrrgroup@juno.com)
Rich Reynolds
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