The Origin of Betty Hill's Star Map
This is a picture of a map that hung in the Rockingham (New Hampshire) Hotel where the NAACP held its meetings in the early 1960s:

Betty Hill was a member of the Rockingham NAACP. This is Betty Hill’s (drawn by her) Star Map:

1 + 1 =2
The map is superficially similar to the 'Hill Starmap' but then so are any number of other such diagrams. Can you establish a) that the map really was at the hotel & if so, what is the evidence for this? b)was it in a place that could have been seen by Hill? c) that she attended meetings at this location? Too much supposition.
If you're a credentialed UFO researcher, let us know and we'll provide access to our UFO web-site where you can find documentation for the Betty Hill Star Map.
What "credentials" do UFO researchers need? I'm not aware of a governing body of UFO research that hands out official "credentials". Education and background is one thing, but to ask for "credentials" to view your website is absurd, unless your comment was tongue and cheek?
We're using the standard definition of the word "credentials" which is (from the Oxford English Reference Dictionary, Second Edition):
credential(s), n. (usually in pl.) 1 evidence of a person's achievements or trustworthiness, usually in the form of certificates, references, etc.
This is pathetic. You guys dish out info without listing any sources, then expect people to beg and grovel to see your "private" site.
Fuh. Q.
We don't ask anyone to do anything, except be civilized.
We have placed documentation online, and some bloggers and UFO web-sites have taken the material, and used it, without attribution, as if they collected it.
We have made documentation available to persons who have provided an e-mail address too.
But we won't open our files to those who are UFO scum, and there are many in the UFO community.
We hope you're not one.
So are you implying that Betty Hill dummied up a star map, and had so little imagination, she had to draw a very bad copy of a map she'd seen at a hotel? Are you assuming the hotel map is the only example of a map she'd ever experienced?
This just doesn't make any sense to me.
The parallels you're trying to draw are less unconvincing than the star map itself. I don't see that a map at a New Hampshire Hotel is in any way relevant to the authenticity -- or lack of it -- of the star map.
the apostles were called 'unlettered men' and when asked for their credentials, well, look for yourselves. People need no credentials to speak about what they have experienced.
Hello fellow UFOlogisers!
You said:
"If you're a credentialed UFO researcher, let us know and we'll provide access to our UFO web-site where you can find documentation for the Betty Hill Star Map."
So please can I have access to your Top Secret UFO site? I can definitely provide "evidence of a person's achievements or trustworthiness, usually in the form of certificates, references, etc.", as you can see here:
Also, I'm definitely not UFO scum. And my certificate says I'm trustworthy, so that must be true.
Thanks in advance!
Nice try X...
But for a guy to post to an "article" here from 2007 rather than a current posting makes us wary about your esteemed "credentials."
I've investigated this case quite recently. The map is definitely authentic. See my report here:
Love it!
The map she was shown is of our solar system looking towards Earth and the Sun on the date she was abducted. It shows Saturn and Jupiter and routes to Earth, Mars, and a few Asteroids, all with needed minerals, elements (iron ore) and water. The single expendition route is to Mercury and then around the sun to Venus. She was shown this map after she was questioned and revealed that she didn't know hardly anything of the stars and space. She was then shown the simplest chart they had, one that mapped their routes in our solar system to see if she could find either the Earth or the Sun. When she couldn't do either, she was told it would be useless to show her where they came from because she wouldn't understand the map.
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